Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 13: Memandang Wajah Rasulullah

Reflection Online

Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 13
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"Prophet Muhammad is a mercy that sent down by Allah SWT for all the worlds. Prophet Muhammad is the prophet of the cover to the prophets. He is a simple servant of God and was always humble although his rank is higher than the other servants of God. He is a servant of God who always worship with sincerity even though he has been confirmed will be placed in heaven by God. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad can be a model for us, especially we as a Muslim. According to the article above, all members of the body of the Prophet Muhammad shining ever since he was born. Subhanallah. Unfortunately, we are poor because we have not a chance to see the face of the Prophet Muhammad. However, we still hope to meet him in heaven. Amen."

Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 8: Tata Cara atau Adabnya Orang Berdoa

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Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       :Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 8
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"Pray is an expression of hope that most everyone can do. And pray was ordered by God as a form of worship to Him. Even God said that His servants who do not want to pray to him as being arrogant and deserve to inhabit Hell."

Elegi Ritual ikhlas 27: Silaturakhim Para Ikhlas

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Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual ikhlas 27
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"If there are many people gathered and stay in touch with sincere, then their kindness also intended to all of them. That is right solution from condition of society and the nation in this time, which is back into our sincerity. So, stay in touch the Sincere has give contribute to the problem of the country. And we have proven and will continue to prove that stay in touch the sincerity that is the only solution to build a safe and peaceful world. Amen."

Elegi Memahami Elegi

Reflection Online

Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Memahami Elegi
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"After I read the elegy above, I realize that we must have a lot of read, understand that we are the creatures of God that limited by space and time in order to increase our knowledge, so we can understand what the mean from an elegy. We also must be patient and sincere in study, in reach our dreams. May our sincere can bring a benefit in the world and hereafter. Amen."

Elegi Menggapai Sastra Jawa

Reflection Online

Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Menggapai Sastra Jawa
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"After I read the article above, I remember about the last time I gain the lesson of Java Language in the Senior High School. There is six-line Java verse form that consists of mijil, sinom, maskumambang, asmaradana, dhandhangula, kinanthi, gambuh, durmo, pangkur, megatruh, and pocung. It is important to learn about our culture, especially culture of Java that more difficult to find it in this space and time. So, we must conserve this culture in order to not loss in the next period."