Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's articles on his blog
Title : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 12 Author : Mr. Marsigit
Comment :
1. Truly the future belongs only to the people who were able to see an opportunity and a chance to grab it with a consciousness that does not come twice, which is resolved, do not hesitate and take bold decisions and actions and make great strides in the history of space and time , the liver is able to control his mind, and the mind is able to control his heart, by always beg the pleasure of Allah SWT.
2. Assign each heart as the commander of all his thoughts
3. Translating all that exists and may exist in accordance space and time
4. Willing translated by existing and possible according to space and time.
5. Finding the anti-thesis of the anti-thesis of existing theses and that there may be
6. Synthesizing thesis-anti-thesis to the thesis.
7. Subsistence assumptions of rationality, logic, coherence, a priory, analytic and transcendent order not to be a mere empty Submerge way down to be grounded.
8. Illuminate perceptions, experiences, practices, a posterior, synthetic, correspondence, by sub-serve way up towards the sky to avoid blindness.
9. Using all-elegy elegy that has been created by South Bagawat alias Muhammad Nurikhlas as evident to pave the reference and human civilization.
10. I gave this testament to the ever-Ikhlas Cantraka demanding science and reading Elegy elegy to carry out the mandate-forward guard, preserve and develop the thoughts, feelings and soul of the South Bagawat Nurikhlas alias Muhammad, in direct or indirect communication, real or imaginary, the world and the hereafter. Amen."
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