Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 2: Intuisi dalam Matematika (2)

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 2: Intuisi dalam Matematika (2)
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :


"After read the elegy above, I think that this elegy relating to the current condition of mathematics education. Now, students think that mathematics is difficult and scary because they feel pressured by the situation. The students feel pressured because the teacher is only concerned with values, is only concerned with the results to be obtained without notice process required students to learn and understand the material of mathematics. All of it due to teachers that also feel pressured by the UN, so they prefer to cultivate mathematical experiences by way of drill or training questions (shortcut) to the values ​​obtained can boast the name of the school. And it causes student has a poor mathematical intuition. Though, mathematical intuition is very important to develop creativity in general."


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