Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 13: Apakah Matematika Kontradiktif? (Bagian Ketiga)

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 13
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"From the article above, we must understand the philosophy that mathematics systems that created and developed by Logicist-Formalist-Foundationlist is meant to build world. And in order to be able to understand build world concept, we need to develop thinking intensive and extensive method. This fusion of Thinking Intensive and Extensive will produce the way Ontological Thinking that is Thinking Nature.
In the nature, Logic and Formal Methods that undertaken by the Logicist-Formalist-Foundationalist only covers HALF THE WORLD, the world which is free of Space and Time. While, others half of the world have not been touched or has not been taken by the Logicist-Formalist-Foundationalist is world bound by space and time. Combined the two world was later acquired whole world or world nature."


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