Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 19: Tak Mampu Memikirkan Kapan Datangnya Kiamat

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 19
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"We as human and beings God Almighty will never know when the doomsday day will come. In fact, the forecast of a movie called '2012 'does not make any doomsday actually occurred in 2012. As evidence, we are still alive, still able to breathe oxygen until now. Why? All because there is God who determines what is going to happen yesterday, today, and tomorrow. And only God that can determine and know when the doomsday day will occur. A man who calculates the arrival time of the end of the world will be occupied by endless calculation until the man did not realize that the doomsday has come."


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