Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 22: Perkelahian Keburukan dan Kebaikan

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 22
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"From the above article and from daily life, we know that among us there are good and evil are mutually contradictory. Good and evil are two very different things. And to find out, there are four things that are considered as good and four that are considered as evil. Four points are considered as a good : First, nature of shy to men was good, but nature of shy to her is better; Second, nature fair on everyone's good, but fair attitude of a leader is better; Third, the old man repents is good, but the young man repents is better; Fourth, nature of generous the rich is good, but nature of generous the poor man's better. While the four things that are considered as evil : First, sin done by young people is bad, but the sins of the parents who done it even worse; Second, busy of world affairs by stupid people is bad, but even worse when busy of world affairs by the smart; Third, lazy worship for fool people is bad, but even worse for the lazy smart people; Fourth, arrogant rich people are bad, but even worse arrogant the poor.
No matter how small the sins we do when we're in the ugliness, we should immediately repent to Allah SWT. And the terms of repentance people are istighfar, regret in the hearts, to break away from immoral acts, promised not to repeat the sin, love the afterlife, eager to learn and worship."


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