Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 7: Tanya jawab pertama perihal Hati yang Ikhlas

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 7: Tanya jawab pertama perihal Hati yang Ikhlas
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"Sincere is what you will of no other because of your deeds of obedience to Him (Al-Haris al-Muhasibi). So in charity and prayer we only intend to obey and carry out obligations specified by him to us. There is nothing else that we are headed but only God. Only God is our destination.
All this time there is one of barrier Sincere that often is in us, that is show off (Riya). Riya is when we perform a practice just to get praise from the creature. As we know, the devil proclaimed himself to be a man teaser in order to deviate from the way of Allah until the end of the world. However, the devil said that all the servants of God can be tempted and deceived, except those who Sincere. That is because the people who always Sincere has intended deeds and charitable only for Allah, nothing else.
One of the guidance of Al-Qur'an in order to we can achieve sincere by reading teaching sincere monotheism that contained in Surah Al-Ikhlas. One of the reasons it is called Surah Al-Ikhlas is because it teaches monotheism of servant. It means that when a servant has pledged monotheism that only God that worthy of worship, then he addressed the entire worship only to God. In worship there is only one purpose and that is God. Once again only one purpose, that is God Almighty. No one else."


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