Elegi Balas Dendam Syaitan Terhadap Matematikawan

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Balas Dendam Syaitan Terhadap Matematikawan
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"From the article above, we can conclude that we should not apply arrogant in this world, let alone dare to mix the affairs of the world and the hereafter. And that happens in this article, mathematicians try to confuse the affair of mathematics and religion (prayer). In fact, between mathematics and religion are two different affairs. Religion can not always think using mathematics or logic. And we also know that our mind is limited, we can not think of all the things in this world with ease. Indeed, only pride that can make a man to underestimate and away from God. Therefore, we must always be sincere in prayer, repentance, and always ask for guidance surrender to God because in His hands our lives depend."


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