Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 33: Doakulah yang tersisa

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Ritual Ikhlas 33
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"No human can mix mind and heart randomly. In fact, hearts and minds are different. That is why there is a boundary between the mind and the heart. In that boundary afraid is domiciled. However, no human can know the boundary of the human mind and heart if he just using his mind. Thus, the boundary between mind and heart is the heart that knows and heart that will show it. However, the heart is not able to show the boundary if the heart is dirty. Therefore, we should always pray and surrender to God that our hearts can be clean again. We must pray fervently and humbly."


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