Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 9: School Mathematics

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Elegi Pemberontakan Pendidikan Matematika 9: School Mathematics
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"The article above mentions that there is some The Nature of School Mathematics, as follows :
1. Mathematics is the search activity patterns or relationships
2. Math is a problem solving activity
3. Math is investigative activities
4. Math is communication
Through the article, clearly that School Mathematics is suitable for applied to young learners. It is because The Nature of School Mathematics is seen as an alternative that mathematics at school seems more friendly and enjoyable for students. School Mathematics is also different with Formal Mathematics because of Mathematics Formal only for University level, so Mathematics Formal becomes useless and meaningless for elementary students. That's why adults or teachers cant teach Formal Mathematics for students of elementary school."


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