Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : Problematika Pembelajaran Matematika di SD
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"After read the article above, I was reminded of the times when I was in elementary school. At that time, when I was in second grade elementary school, I was forced to memorize multiplication number 2. Although it can help me in mathematics in high school, I do not really feel the benefits of mathematics in daily life. Mathematics is only used when there is a problem calculating the numbers, I thought at the time. Mathematics is also a subject that is difficult for students who do not like mathematics. Mathematics just makes head become dizzy, especially when students are not able to work on the problems on the mathematics exam. However, these events do not apply to students who like mathematics. They can say that mathematics is easy, mathematics is beautiful. The difference that occurs is a challenge that must be faced by teachers. Teachers should be able to put themselves in facilitate the students. Teachers must not discriminate against students because each student has a different personal and unique. And the task of the teacher is to find the best way to facilitate the differences of their students."


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