News Update: Koalisi Pendidikan Menolak Kurikulum 2013

Reflection Online
Comment on Mr. Marsigit's  articles on his blog
Title                       : News Update: Koalisi Pendidikan Menolak Kurikulum 2013
Author                  : Mr. Marsigit
Comment            :

"After read the article above, I can conclude that there are some reasons why there is resistance to change curriculum from 2006 curriculum to 2013 curriculum. And one of the most fundamental reason is the change in the curriculum does not have a strong background and seem in a hurry. This makes the vision and mission of the school is unclear. In addition, the curriculum changes do not involve teachers and pedagogical experts in the process of developing a curriculum that can lead teachers and student become victims. Not only teachers, but also the candidate of teachers who become confused because of the subjects they will teach is eliminated in this curriculum. Should the curriculum makers can refine curriculum existing research and evaluation of the implementation of the 2006 curriculum, so can guarantee a better education in Indonesia.
Therefore, there is some advice for this, such as
1. Orientation education should refer to the constitution, intellectual life of the nation.
2. Improving the quality of teachers, such as training.
3. Changes in the curriculum should be based on a clear research and all related stakeholder."


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